After I Went to His Place Should I Ask to See Him Again

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Setting up and going on a start appointment can be tough enough. Knowing when and how to ask for another date can be even more than challenging. Exactly how and when you ask for another date will depend on how well your beginning one went. You can let your date know you want to run across them once again past getting up the courage to inquire for another date and displaying positive trunk linguistic communication. You should as well work on creating a potent connectedness with your date and then they are more inclined to say "yes" to seeing you once more.

  1. i

    Be direct. Be clear and honest when asking someone for some other appointment. Endeavor to work through whatsoever nervousness and be direct with them so they get a chance to concur to encounter you again. Avoid stammering, stuttering, or speaking unclearly. Always effort to exist as clear and straight as you can when asking almost the next date.[1]

    • Avert seeking their approval when asking for another date. Saying something like "I'd really similar to see you lot again. I hope you had fun and liked me." should be avoided.
    • Don't play games—just be honest and let the person know you'd like to meet them once more.[two]
    • Take your time, speaking slowly and clearly. Speaking too speedily can get in seem like you are nervous. Yous may say, "I had a bully time tonight, can we see each other again?" Or, "I feel like nosotros made a connection tonight. Let's get out again soon."
  2. two

    Ask in person. Asking for another date in person can exist a dandy way to get instant feedback. Yous may also appear more confident and appealing if you ask about the adjacent date in person. If you lot feel like your time together is going well, try request when they desire to go on the adjacent appointment, earlier parting ways.[3]

    • You'll be able to gauge their involvement level earlier, during and subsequently y'all ask. Asking in person will let yous judge when the best moment to ask might be.


  3. 3

    Try a phone call. Calling your date can exist a straightforward way to see if they desire to leave again. Although texting is a pop method of asking someone out on another date, calling can bring its own benefits. Effort calling by telephone to send a more personal and direct message.[4]

    • As with asking in person, calling gives you the benefit of being able to option on signals from tone, pace, or hesitation in the person's voice. Sometimes what is not said is just as important as what is said. Yous can get cues that you can't become from texting.
    • Calling by phone can make y'all stand out. A telephone call can evidence that yous are a mature and confident person. Phone calls can likewise be a ameliorate way to prove your personality.
    • For example, during the phone telephone call you may say, "I had a slap-up fourth dimension last night. Can we go out once more soon?" Or, "I experience like we connected well terminal night. Let's gear up some other appointment."
  4. iv

    Send a text or e-mail. Although phone calls have a personal impact, sending a text or email is often the preferred method of contact when asking most some other engagement. Sending an electronic mail or text volition permit your date time to think and reply, taking some of the pressure away that a telephone call would take. Try to ship a text or electronic mail when asking virtually some other appointment to help increase your chances of them saying aye.

    • Texts and emails tin be sent, received and replied to at any fourth dimension, unlike telephone calls.
    • You might try texting something like, "I had so much fun at the movies with you the other night! Would yous like to have dinner with me on Thursday?"
  5. v

    Advise something special for your next engagement. Going on a second date is a expert chance for yous to show a bit more than of your personality and practice something exciting. Although it tin can exist tempting to play it safety, taking your date somewhere dissimilar or energizing tin exist a good idea. Think of some fun and exciting places yous tin can visit together to increase your chances of a 2d date.[5]

    • Trying out a cooking class together tin be a fun way for you both to team up and learn something new. You lot could also take the person to your favorite spot in the city or do an activity they might enjoy, such equally a picnic in the park or a drive-in movie theatre.
    • Picking an unappealing venue or activity can brand it less probable that your appointment will concur to going out again. You might want to avoid going out for java or to a bar on your second date and opt instead for something more special or unique.
  6. 6

    Don't wait as well long before asking for another date. If you wait too long to ask for another appointment, your engagement might wonder if you're still interested.[6] They may starting time to doubt how well things went or if things actually worked out between you. To avoid having your date motion on or worry nearly where things are at, try request them as shortly as y'all can for some other date.[seven]

    • Don't wait more than a day after your concluding date to ask about the next one.
    • Waiting for more than three days afterward your first engagement is generally likewise long.
    • Request about some other date quickly tin assistance increase the likelihood of the other person like-minded.


  1. 1

    Make centre contact. On your date, yous tin make eye contact to send a unproblematic and direct message that you're interested in the person you're with. Maintaining good centre contact volition permit your engagement know that you want to hear what they have to say and that yous are enjoying your time together. Try to make adept eye contact with your appointment to let them know y'all'd similar to meet more than of them.[viii]

    • Avert staring contests. Try looking at something else to brand eye contact breaks occasionally.
    • Lack of middle contact can mean that you or your date is uninterested or shy.
  2. 2

    Suspension the touch barrier. Physical touch is a powerful bulletin that you lot can send, letting your appointment know that you're really enjoying their company. You can try moving closer to them, putting your arm around them or even belongings their manus. Take note of how they answer to larn if they might be every bit interested in another engagement equally you are.[9] [x]

    • Yous tin intermission the touch barrier past lightly touching their arm or manus while you are laughing at something they accept said. Or you may castor the person's hair out of their eyes or fix their pilus for them to introduce some physical bear on.
    • If y'all notice your engagement moving away from you lot or stiffening up, there is a skilful chance that your impact has made them uncomfortable. Y'all should motion away and stop touching them.
    • If your date moves closer to you or reciprocates the bear on, they are likely comfortable and interested in you lot.
  3. iii

    Use mirroring. Mirroring is the natural tendency for people who are getting along to re-create one some other's movements and behaviors. To help prove that you're interested in your appointment and build a improve connection, you can try subtly mimicking some of your engagement'south motions. Looking for signs that your date is copying your motions can also be a hint that they are interested in you.[11] [12]

    • Mirroring volition mostly be a natural and unconscious action.
    • Facial expressions, tone of vocalisation and posture are all examples of behaviors that can be mirrored. For example, maybe if your date leans towards you, you lean towards them also. If your date tilts their caput when they wait at you, y'all may exercise the aforementioned.
    • If you lot attempt to copy your date's behaviors, avoid doing so also obviously. Blatantly copying someone else's motions can actually cause them to dislike you. Don't mirror every single move your date makes, and allow a few seconds to laissez passer earlier you lot mirror their actions.


  1. i

    Mention upcoming plans. Instead of straight asking about the side by side engagement, you can try suggesting one. Offering a suggestion can be a gentle approach, allowing you to make your plans known without pushing it on the other person. Suggesting an activity tin likewise also allow your appointment to have their input known, giving them an active role in planning the engagement.[thirteen]

    • You might open by saying "What are your plans this weekend? I'g going bowling and wondered if you might want to become with me."
    • Try to phrase the engagement as an idea or culling to whatever they had originally planned.
  2. ii

    Judge their interest. During a engagement, you'll desire to estimate how interested the other person seems to exist. If you think they are having a great time and feel that there is a existent connection between both of you, information technology's likely that another appointment is on the horizon.[14] Have a wait at some of these behavioral examples to learn if your engagement might be interested in seeing you again:[xv]

    • The appointment should take felt relaxed afterward you lot overcame the initial fretfulness of meeting. and you and your engagement should both be naturally curious almost 1 another.
    • If the conversation felt forced or was absent, your date might not be interested in going out over again.
  3. iii

    Act confident . Although you lot may be nervous on your showtime or second date, being confident can be a big help. Displaying behaviors that let your engagement know that you are relaxed, comfortable and confident tin can all help make y'all more than interesting and attractive. Effort using some of these tips to help you lot look and feel confident on your date:[16]

    • Yous tin human activity confident past maintaining straight body posture and maintaining eye contact with the person you are addressing. You tin can walk confidently by keeping your head level and facing straight ahead, rather than towards the ground. Smiling and acknowledging others around you can likewise project confidence.
    • Sitting in a somewhat expansive position tin can besides convey confidence. Sitting with one ankle resting on the contrary knee joint or with i arm resting over an adjacent chair tin can open up your posture.
    • Watch some examples of people who appear confident and cocky-assured. Try to copy the way they walk and move to assistance make yous experience more than confident yourself.
    • Recollect of your accomplishments to remind yourself that you lot are a capable and unique individual. Only don't be arrogant or overly self-confident. Try to relax and keep the focus on your date, rather than your own strengths.
  4. 4

    Accept fun together. Going on a offset date tin be a stressful time; however, beingness stressed out on a date tin actually make things more difficult. Relaxing and beingness yourself are always good ideas when going on your starting time engagement. The less stress you experience, the more than fun you'll be able to take, making it more likely that a second date is in the time to come.[17]

    • You can have fun with your date by opting for a more activity oriented appointment like bowling, playing lath games, or going for a romantic bike ride around the city. Y'all should focus on how you can keep your date entertained and engaged on the engagement so it feels fun for both of yous.


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    How tin can I tell my date I desire to see them for a 2d date?

    Louie Felix

    Louie Felix is a Dating Coach and Matchmaker, and the founder and CEO of Matchmaking VIP, a company which provides concierge-level matchmaking services to clients around the earth. He is also the COO of Agape Matchmaking based in New York City. With virtually 16 years of professional matchmaking and dating coaching experience, Louie has served equally CEO for the U.s.' two largest matchmaking companies serving over fifty,000 clients. He has been featured as an adept matchmaker for shows on E! Amusement Television, WeTV and the CW. He was likewise recently acknowledged as a top 5 worldwide matchmaker by both the International Dating Conference and the Matchmakers Alliance. Louie was likewise selected as one of America's top 10 Relationship Experts for the Cracking Honey Argue National Tour.

    Louie Felix

    Dating Passenger vehicle & Matchmaker

    Expert Answer

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    The best style is just to put yourself out there, especially if y'all feel like there was a connection between the two of you. Exist honest and tell them, "I had a swell time, and I'd honey to see you again."

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Article Summary X

If your date goes well and yous'd similar to see them once again, there are a few ways yous can let them know. It'south easiest just to exist articulate with your date then yous don't go out them guessing. Say something like, "I had a actually prissy time tonight, and I'd beloved to see you again if you're interested." Alternatively, ask what they're doing on the weekend, and if they're free, propose something like catching a movie or going for a drink together. You can ask for a 2nd date when you say goodbye to each other, or call or text them when yous get domicile. It's best to do it that night, but the side by side day volition be fine too if you desire to sleep on it. For more tips from our co-author, including how to prove someone you like them during your engagement, read on!

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